I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you to all the supporters of this site since the launch back in November 0f 2009. Since then this site has poured in a couple million hits and helped play a role in establishing local artists, talent, clothing brands and more. Now with this relaunch everything will be more clean and crisp to follow suit with the other site I run Young California.
Keeping ‘new and improved’ in mind I will refocus this site’s main features along with potentially throwing in a few that were popular in the past. The most viewed items on this site are clothing/gadget reviews and movie reviews so those will step to the forefront of features on this site. Beyond that, a lot of old artist and ‘Based Beauties’ model interviews still pull in hits, so I will revisit that and see if we can get the ball rolling.
- What’s in The Based Update’s Mailbox
- #MattsMovieMania
- Various Artist Interviews
- ‘Based Beauties’ Features
The new feature that I would like to announce is titled ‘Look In The Past.‘ This is a feature that I will start at the top of the year which will come either every Thursday or every other Thursday. These will highlight old interviews that took place up to 6 years ago with well established artists, brands, etc. It will be a cool look to see where some of these people are now compared to where they were when we interviewed them.
An extra big shoutout to everyone that checks this site out across the globe! Even though a fast majority of the hits come from the United States I would like to shout out our daily readers from France, China, Germany, Canada, Russia, Spain & The United Kingdom. Thanks!
If there is anything that you would like to see on this site, new or even bring back something old please let me know.
Here’s a little old school for you….
Click HERE to check out the first post ever created on this website. (November 2009.)
Click HERE to check out the first uploaded picture to this website. (November 2009)