
A Destiny 2 Review, Almost.

If anyone takes the time to read this, especially hardcore Destiny players, you might want a stat sheet to make my opinion worth something of your time. Acco...

Destiny 2 BETA: My Review

According to 'Time Wasted on Destiny' I have a total of over 1250 hours implemented into Destiny 1; I have every single Flawless emblem from Trials of Osiris, ...

Unboxing: Kong Skull Island (4K/Blu-Ray)

Here is your look at the brand new release Kong: Skull Island! This is standard 4K release that includes both 4K and Blu-Ray discs. You can also get an exclus...

Unboxing: Logan 4K NOIR! (4K/Blu-Ray)

Here is your look at the brand new release LOGAN! This is standard 4K release that includes to 4K Discs, one with the theatrical release and the other in B&am...

Disney Movie Club ‘VIP’ Review

If you caught my super in-depth Disney Movie Club review, you know that I showed you top to bottom that it's a steal. No question, but what about VIP once you f...

Disney Movie Club Review: The Truth.

For the last couple months I had seen advertisements for Disney Movie Club here and there saying “4 Blu-Rays for $1,” or “4 Movies for $1.” Immediately ...

Philips Hue Introduction

I am very excited to announce that my next 4 reviews will be courtesy of Philips Hue. I have been wanting to get my hands on these for a while and now I have th...